
WP Members Club

Night-to-night access to our tutoring team from anywhere. Drop-in to live sessions as often as you want for homework help, exam support, or to get questions cleared up from class. Click the "Join WPMC" button to go straight to our platform for same-day access, or reach out for a walk-through about how the WPMC works.



Westchester Prep Members Club

  • Monthly Membership: 149.99/month
  • Additional Siblings: 50/month

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Join the WPMC platform to look around and kick off a free one-week trial for academic drop-in sessions. Access for just our ACT and SAT Booster Week sessions, hosted before all official exams, is available for $75 (and included for WPMC members).



What’s included in the subscription?
What academic subjects are being offered?
What age or grades is the service available to?
What if the posted hours don’t quite fit my schedule?
What if the subjects I need aren’t offered yet?
How does this differ from private tutoring?
How do I use the system?
Can I cancel or pause my subscription?
Can I ask questions outside of session?
I have other questions, can I talk to someone about the WPMC?

Make a plan.

Execute with confidence.

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